Sunday, April 1, 2007

In Lieu of Strippers...

Man, did I ever have a blast at my bachelor party! Steve and my pops orchestrated a great night of beer, pool, (sometimes ) great tunes, good grub, and group prayers that the roof of the North Bend Hotel would hold. The crew was a mix of old-time friends, relatives, and "them from New York." I couldn't have asked for better company to celebrate this momentous occassion. Thanks to everyone who had anything to do with the night.

Phyllis' fantastic North Bend Hotel

Donny Thorsten brought me a li'l something for this tetter-related thing I've been suffering from...and it came wrapped in quite a package. Hubba Hubba.

The Colonel kicks some elusive Iha arse on the green table.

Thanks for the hat, Milty!

I came here to do two things: drink some beer and kick some ass...just about out of beer...

This is what an actual brainstorm looks like.

Fuck you Toby Keith (and Brother Keith for playing him)!

"I was drunk the day my Mom got out of prison and I went to pick her up in the rain/When I got to the station in my pickup truck, she got run over by a damned old train"

One of them from New York...

I love this bar!

A sunny morning at the Four Seasons.

Uncle Milty's Favorite Quotes:

"Which is the allergic one?" Pa

"Are you one of them from New York?" Second Bartender

"Have you ever been so far from anywhere before" Elusive Iha

"Hey Chris, you look like that caveman from the Geico commercial" Pa

*20 minutes after the fact during a lull in the conversation: "So easy a caveman could do it." Doc

"Usually I wait at least a half hour before I get the munchies" Gary

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