Sunday, April 1, 2007

A Fond Farewell to 266 Pres.

The bachelor pad Steve and I shared for six or so years has served us well. As Steve makes the transition to official shacked up staus, thus relinquishing any claims to the term bachelor (as well as my impending weddin' bells), it was time to say goodbye with a happening shindig. We had quite a showing:

Mr. and Mrs. Scheiner were there.

Hey Nikki, what's that smell?

So was Johnny B.

Rev. Heather and Trixie were there too. Now there's a Good Lookin' couple!

Speaking of Good Lookin couples, check this one out!

And, hey, Steve and I weren't the only celbrities at this joint. Check out who else
was there. Yup, that's right, that's just how the Colonel rolls!

The highlight of the night for me was showing up early and chilling one last time in the living room with Steve, spinning some records and some yarns, too. We recalled one evening, early into our second year living there when he and I were just soaking in the 70s porno essence and it all just magically fell into place. The apartment was the perfect combination of period piece and funky dude-pad and it had finally really clicked that this cool-assed place was home. This was home. And we couldn't have been happier about it. The apartment went on to have many more amazing moments in it. Including some great nights with the reasons we aren't bachelors in that pad any more. My memories of that place are a virtual life-in-NYC passing before me. I'll miss that place and the feeling it gave me.

See ya, 266...

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