Sunday, March 4, 2007

Dog Perv on the Loose!

The nearby dog run that I go to pretty much every day with Lucy has a Google Group that emails updates, gives alerts for work days, etc. Well, last week there was an interesting post on there. I've also used the daycare/boarding place mentioned:

"I wanted to send you an email that I hope you can send out to others you know who use the McCarren dog run. I was at the run this morning (02/27) at about 9:00 am when I was approached by a Hasidic male who was asking me questions about my dog (breed, gender, etc). I was inside the dog run and he was talking over the fence. When I left the run to bring my dog across the street to Must Luv Dogs, he approached me and asked if he could pet my dog. I told him yes, and as he was petting my dog's head, he took his other hand and started fondling my dog's genitals. I saw what he was doing, pulled my dog away, and loudly told him off. He left the park very quickly.

When I went into MLD, they told me that he has been in the day care before, asking to hold the dogs, and that had fondled another dog's genitals that was with a female owner.

I found this to be very disturbing and alerted the NYPD. While nothing will probably will come of it, anyone at the dog run who is approached by a mid-30's to early 40's Hasidic male, with dark brown hair and glasses should be careful. I would especially tell any women, children, or teens that may go to the dog run alone.

Thanks for spreading the word."

I am an avid fan of weird, off-beat news stories. But when it hits home like this, it is quite disturbing. It's like the difference between hearing those perenial tales of a mysterious candy-giver parked in a van near an elementary school... It's a different story when it is your kids' school. And to top it off, I saw this guy at the dog run last weekend with two kids in tow and he was talking over the fence to a female owner of a male dog. If I see him around again, he'll certainly have a run-in with my trucker mouth and size 13s.

A funny sidenote to all of this (hey, there can be humorous underbelly in dog groping), some of the other dog owners on this email group thought it might have been a joke because the email—in talking about this Hasidic Jewish pervert—kept referring to the dog's "gentiles [sic]" rather than genitals...


Anonymous said...

i picture the dog runnin after the guy,goin,.."wait..come back...pleease..."

Anonymous said...

You are all a pack of anti-semites. The Old Testament clearly mentions (Leviticus 23:18) "Lo and behold the beast so recently domesticized, whilst thou shant touch thine self, upon punishment of death, thou mayest touch thine canine, the fur, the hind, the twig and berry's of burning bush, and parts inbetween, and there thou shalt find the essence of the Lord. Bother thyself not with that which dangles from man, for that is the seed of the Leviathan." (Don't bother looking it up.) Honestly, "Hasidic" is just your cosmopolitan hipster euphamism for "Dirty Jew With His Hand On My Wallet". I'm sure he could fondle your dog all he wanted if he would just help you out with your taxes. I'm half-tempted to dress up as a Boston Terrier just to see if this guy will grope me, not in some veiled attempt to out the well-meaning fellow, but because I am a lonely and desperate man. I'm sure you read the Times through light diffused with lampshades of human skin, you little Eichmanns.

Anonymous said...

too funny. i can't stop laughing. this for some reason, is one of the funniest things i have read in a long time. sick i suppose, but funny. and isn't it ironic that is sit here in my sunny little hide-a-way known as cocoa, florida and realize how sick that is and i can't stop laughing. i do however, live in the sickest stae in the union. maybe that is why this story is just simply funny. great stuff chris. your unc in cocoa.